Sunday, February 13, 2011

Google se baachke kahan jaoge

I'm a huge fan of Google God, but when I log in to Gmail, I'm simultaneously logged in Orkut, G-talk, Blogger, Google reader, Picasa,Google groups, Wave, Google sites, Google music and Youtube. Now if I was tech savvy and wanted just one portal to control all my other accounts, it would be great, but for example I decide to start an anonymous blog I don't want all my info to be available so easily. Same goes for my multiple Youtube accounts. I would like the option of having them kept separate. I find it quite pervasive. Say Google was to stop for a day today, I'll bet anything the entire world would lose huge amounts of data, money and be greatly traumatized and quickly start seeking therapy. We are so dependent on Google that we don't even realize we thrive on it. How on earth would people search without our Google....any question you have just ask GG (Google God), now if my using the word God with Google is any indication I loove Google, I mean for all the free things I get from it and how simple everything is, I am ready to sing love ballads for it, But on the down side it does make my slightly wary of it's complete hold on me and my entire community. A hacker would just need to get in my Gmail and have access to EVERYTHING about me, study my online behavior, know my family(through chat history and Picasa and Orkut), know all the things I don't want people to know. And why just a hacker, anybody who steals my password. Scary . Not to mention I hate being the person who can't answer a question because I couldn't find the answer on Google,like googling is a substitute for using your brain. And the fact that Google is a noun, adjective and a verb, how did that happen
On the other hand what would life be without Google. I can only laugh senselessly when someone tells me they still Yahoo as a search engine. What? Yahoo still exists, I used it on my first days of internet, but isn't it passé? Apparently not, from what my parents tell me, they are still yahoo users...Ugh
Pervasive, ubiquitous and yet not possible to live without it. I guess it's a bit how you can hate people you love the most. I mean how can I profess to hate the one most intimate and personal relationship in my life, me and my Google.
I still love you Google

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